Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lazarius and Kreval - Failed Diabolist and Disfigured Imp

Lazarius & Kreval

Failed Diabolist and Disfigured Imp

Race Human, Male and Devil (Imp), N/A Respectively
Age 24 and 100365
Affiliation 8th House, Hell


Lazarius is a haggard, young male human in fine arcane robes that have been badly laundered. On his face he always wears a pained, plaintive smile. Kreval resembles nothing so much as a flying, ruddy cheeked human baby. His expression is almost always one of fury, which only manages to make him appear cuter.


Lazarius is a fourth cousin, twice favored, once removed of

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

6 Monsters for Salt in Wounds

The following monsters are often encountered by adventurers in and around the city of Salt in Wounds. You can find even more monsters here.

Animated Objects
5e Monster Manual pg 19 | Pathfinder Version

Animated Objects, used as inexpensive sentries and guards, are a common hazard to thieves or 'explorers' in Salt in Wounds. Alternately, magical instructions placed to guide these objects tend to decay with time or were inexpertly applied in the first place; leading to more than one incident of an unwarranted attack about town.

5e Monster Manual pg 21 | Pathfinder Version

Ankhegs are a native apex predator to the region around

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Alternate Names

One of the issues I hear about most frequently with Salt in Wounds is about the name. Most people (myself included) think it's pretty neat but there are some who loathe it. I'm not sure which camp you're in, but I wanted to make a list of alternate names people have been using. Because, wouldn't a rose by any other name smell just as sweet? Or, in this case, wouldn't a blood drenched horror city by any other name shake just as much from the tarrasquequakes?

Note: the following names are all reader suggestions used here with permission.
  1. Salzinwuun 
  3. Salzidwuun
  5. Salted Wound
  7. Solv Rana
  9. Abbotoir
  11. Tyranny's End
  13. Tarascon 
  15. Amarimbul
  17. Meridians
  19. Beast Bind

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Church of Macinfex

God of Butchers

Macinfex is the (Demi)God patron of butchers. For the world at large he is a minor figure; often considered to be barely a divinity or dismissed as an upjumped saint; honored only occasionally in an odd window of butcher's row. Salt in Wounds is not like the rest of the world, and here he is a if not the primary deity; worshiped by many, respected by all. Only the church of

Thursday, June 4, 2015

God-Butcher Diagram

Diagrams like this are studied by God-Butchers to determine how to most efficiently harvest tarrasque flesh and reagents without freeing the beast or encroaching on the territory of a different Binder-Lord. They are also used by alchemists, butchers, and other merchants to explain the origin of their products and vouch for the quality of their goods.

Art by Jeffrey Chen

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Note: These pieces of information are generally unknown to Player Characters and the population of Salt in Wounds at large.

Monday, June 1, 2015


What follows is a list of the major factions operating within the city in addition to some 'common' knowledge about each:

Binder-Lords Hereditary oligarchs of Salt in Wounds, control the city and engage in endless scheming against one another. Each house was founded by one of the heroes who bound the Tarrasque, with the mantle of leadership of the house being 'possession' of the magical command word to release the associated harpoon.

House Militias The combined army/police force of Salt in Wounds, controlled by the Binder-Lords.

The Guild of Blood Merchants Merchants in charge of selling Tarrasque cuttings, more than anything insist that the flow of viscera continues and (preferably) grows.

God-Butchers Knightly order that takes their mission of maintaining the Tarrasque's imprisonment seriously, while sometimes motivated by money they still are (mostly) dedicated and exceedingly competent.

Marrow Miners New guild founded by a former God-Butcher, utilizing experimental techniques to extract more viscera and increase efficiency. The Marrow Miners are open to employing ‘monstrous races’ like goblins, orcs, and mites. Perhaps surprisingly, the Marrow Miners have a better idea of the Tarrasque's current vs the more ritualistic and less analytic God-Butchers.

Process Guild Association of factories that render extracted Tarrasque viscera into commercial products.

The Church of Macinfex The largest religious institution in Salt in Wounds, worshipping the God of Butchers and heavily involved in proper weights & measures in addition food safety.

The Council of Sages Loose, professional association of wizards and alchemists working within Salt in Wounds.

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