Overview of the Third
Meridian House
Current Binder Lord: Gerard DuFaine.
Founding Binder Lord: Roman DuFaine.
3rd House Sergeant-at-Arms: Drummond Carter
House Interests, Water, Import/Export of exotic foodstuffs;
particularly fresh produce, Spice Imports & Resale
In the year before binding, Lord General Alastair Ghent marshalled
and led al battalion of the Army of Thirteen that would later formed the Third
House. Lord Ghent was a powerful noble and a warlord of some renown even before
the Tarrasque attacked known for his a taste for exotic flavors and liquors. He
kept Roman DuFaine as his private valet and personal chef, a former peasant picked
up out of a seedy backwater tavern where the commoner chose his ambition over a
serving girl to whom he was betrothed. Roman had always had ambition above his
station, and this was not lost on Alastair. The valet was present for every
meeting, in every war room, and overheard every business dealing, and the
various currents of black mail that Lord Ghent ever