Five-Roast Five-Roast is a stirge stuffed in a singing house-lizard stuffed in a hatchet beak stuffed in a juvenile remora flea stuffed in an axe beak. Before encasing it in the next layer, each animal is cleaned, skinned/plucked, coated in
an individualized rub meant to compliment its unique flavor, wrapped in thin strips of Tarrasque flank. Five-Roasts are then cooked on a spit for no less than 20 hours, the skin crackling and caramelizing. Five-roasts are usually served as part of feast day celebrations.
Master’s Tongue This rarefied cut of Tarrasque tongue is only ever served at the celebratory feast when a Journeyman god-Butcher completes their rite of mutual recognition to become aMaster God-Butcher; and is usually paired with pickled vegetables and brine soup. Being invited to such a feast is considered recognition of an individual’s ‘elite’ status.
Sweatmeat Jerky Tarrasque fat coated with honey & root
spice and smoked for days, this chew is favored by workman who often gnaw on
the taffy-like confection for hours. Sweatmeat
Jerky can hold its sweet flavor for hours upon end, and –supposadly- chewing on
the substance can sustain one for days on end making it a favorite of
harried workman without time to sit down for a meal and aristocratic dandies trying to
watch their figure alike.
Marsh Stew Despite the unappetizing name, a hearty soup comprised of half a dozen varieties of mushroom and delicately seasoned has been all the culinary rage of late. The gastronomically adventurous search high and low through the Tail Stones for the best, most authentic street stalls run by exiled Grippli to cook this. Gathering ingredients for the stew has sent many adventurers to the Heartsblood Marsh, not all of whom return.
Rat Crunch Rats are not a common pest in Salt in Wounds
(due to the general absence of water, singing house lizards seem to better
serve that ecological niche) but are not wholly unknown and often stow away in
caravans. Enterprising trappers obsessively seek to hunt for these creatures as their
skeletons are considered an appetizing way to add a pleasant crunchy texture to
casseroles of Tarrasque pseudo-liver and potato.
Bladed Bakeup A bake of Axebeak eggs, Tarrasque bacon, peppers,
tomatoes, and (for those who can afford it) pig eye is traditional fair for a
late, rest-day breakfast and is colloquially known as an excellent hangover
Bread Unadorned bread is considered a delicacy within Salt
in Wounds as flour has four times the normal cost (due to Salt in Wound's extreme distance from any fields and an endemic yeast quickly rots stores of the stuff). As such, bread is
not a ‘staple’ as it is for the rest of the world. The bakers of Salt in Wounds
are rare and tend to be extremely skilled in their craft (so as not to waste
flour) and visitors often describe the bread of Salt in Wounds –from light,
fluffy blanch bread to heart almost loamy black bread- as ‘perfect.’
Ambergris Tarrasque Ambergris is worth its weight in gold
(due to its use amongst perfumers and its reputations as being an aphrodisiac).
The extremely wealthy eat it basted, sometimes served with eggs or thin slices
of imported celery & rice.
All-Color Pudding There are very few orchards in Salt in Wounds, and fruit is generally an expensively imported item. Early on, merchants would disguise their (partially) rotten apples, pears, and more by mashing their fruit and boiling it into a pudding. Over time, tastes evolved that this is now the preferred way for citizens to consume this sort of foodstuff ; even perfectly preserved fruit is usually mashed and boiled together. The traditional recipe for All-Color Pudding is one part grape to one part apple to one part pear to one part squash liberally seasoned with cloves and tributary leaf.
Tarrasque Sash Custom (and common-sense) holds that Tarrasque flesh should be served well-done, but raw or lightly-pickled Tarrasque flesh (called Sash) can be served with vinegar and garlic paste. There are different notions about how to do this while minimizing the risk of being 'tainted' by the Tarrasque, but Tarrasque Shash is only ever consumed by the extremely decadent or fool-hardy.
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